And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.
(Revelation 12:11 ESV)
I have been studying and reading through the book of Revelation recently trying to establish my view on eschatology (end times theology) by seeing what the Bible itself says concerning these things. And while I still am very much undecided where I stand concerning the end of the world and Christ's return; I am finding myself very much challenged and convicted by the contents of this book. This is not just a book about scary end-time events and antichrists and 666. It is a book of worship. It is soaked in the Gospel.
Here is an excerpt from Sam Storm's website commenting on this particular verse in chapter 12:
"Here [John] means the willingness to give up good things for the sake of better things; the willingness to sacrifice all in life, even life itself, because life isn’t the most valuable thing to us; they would rather die than yield one inch of their hearts to the world or Satan; no earthly pleasure was worth denying Jesus. No promise of peace or power was deemed of greater value than the value of remaining steadfast. Perseverance. Hebrews 10:34 ('For you . . . accepted joyfully the seizure of your property, knowing that you have for yourselves a better possession and an abiding one'). They had refused to let anything in life get a grip on their hearts in such a way that it might diminish their devotion to Jesus. 'Jesus is more valuable to us than anything life can offer. Jesus is greater treasure than life itself. We will gladly die before we renounce him!'"
This "not loving our lives" is not some "death-wish lifestyle" or a legalistic aestheticism or a silly game of experimental self-denial, but a heart condition: a Jesus loving, cross carrying, God glorifying lifestyle! Loving and following after God with your whole heart! Enjoying God more than anything this world has to offer, more than even the blessings of God.
Here is an excerpt from Sam Storm's website commenting on this particular verse in chapter 12:
"Here [John] means the willingness to give up good things for the sake of better things; the willingness to sacrifice all in life, even life itself, because life isn’t the most valuable thing to us; they would rather die than yield one inch of their hearts to the world or Satan; no earthly pleasure was worth denying Jesus. No promise of peace or power was deemed of greater value than the value of remaining steadfast. Perseverance. Hebrews 10:34 ('For you . . . accepted joyfully the seizure of your property, knowing that you have for yourselves a better possession and an abiding one'). They had refused to let anything in life get a grip on their hearts in such a way that it might diminish their devotion to Jesus. 'Jesus is more valuable to us than anything life can offer. Jesus is greater treasure than life itself. We will gladly die before we renounce him!'"
This "not loving our lives" is not some "death-wish lifestyle" or a legalistic aestheticism or a silly game of experimental self-denial, but a heart condition: a Jesus loving, cross carrying, God glorifying lifestyle! Loving and following after God with your whole heart! Enjoying God more than anything this world has to offer, more than even the blessings of God.
This is where I want to be.
I confess that I am far from this, but this is the heart for which I am praying. I can quote the Westminster Confession, but do I really enjoy God? Am I glorifying Him by my lifestyle and the things upon which I choose to place my affection? Is Jesus "greater treasure than life itself"? When I sing songs of praise to God am I merely reciting words or could I really "sing of His love forever"? Do I understand and know His love personally? Have I tasted of the Lord and seen that He is good?
I know that I have. But...
These are questions that I have personally grilled myself about for years. Not in a doubting way (I hope), but in a way of self-examining to see if I am truly in the faith kind of way. (2 Corinthians 13:5) But too often I come to myself and find that I am far from "setting my affections on things above". (Colossians 3:2) I am wrapped up in my own affairs. Even good things; things given to me by God. My family, my ministry, all of the wonderful things such as shelter, food, etc. that God has blessed me with, these become the center of an idolatrous relationship instead of an impetus to give thanks and glory and praise to God. (James 4:2-4) Things meant to increase my affection for God have instead become the objects of my affection.
Too often, when I am most offended or embittered by something someone has said or done, it is because they have upset one of my idols. They have dared to go into my shrine and desecrate my gods. I have stopped "loving God with all of my heart and my neighbor as myself" (Matthew 22:37-40) and have instead enthroned myself. Made me and my happiness the chief good.
God please draw my heart to you! Strip away everything that replaces you in my affection. Thank you for all of your blessings: for my wife, for my children, for my church, for the ministry that you have given me, and for all of the wonderful things that you have seen fit to place in my life, but please, please do not let me love them more than you! Remove from my mind, my heart, my affections, and from my hands everything and anything that is not glorifying to you and sanctifying for me.