As I sit here, tired and sore, in the New Delhi Airport; it all seems like one long excruciating day blurred together with vignettes of long lines, uncomfortable seats, miserable sleep and more long lines. Ahh.. the romance of international travel!
Daniel has done great! It has been hard on him at times, but he has taken it all in stride and has even offered to carry my bags to help out at times. (He has always been a good traveler) He was upset that the airplane had a sorry movie selection. He watched Kung Fu Panda 2 and the new Pirates of the Caribbean and then just watched the flight path channel for the next 14 hours.
For all who prayed for our safety and convenience on this trip, I thank you and tell you the Lord has answered your prayers. It really has been pretty uneventful, and though we were assured that we would have to claim and check our bags in Delhi by two different AA representatives, Jet Airways took care of everything and got us our tickets for Kathmandu and got us on in to the main airport in less than three hours. (A very good time considering we just sit there and others have had to wait much longer on past trips)
So we are lounging here in the airport about 11 pm on Saturday night (Delhi time) and waiting for our plane to board at 5:30 am. Fun stuff!
Daniel had Domino's pepperoni pizza for dinner, and I had a veg curry combo platter from the Curry Kitchen. Good stuff!
Thanks for all of your prayers and support so far. Please continue to remember us and pray for Stormie and Autumn back home. By the time you read this we will be safe and sound in Kathmandu.
Steve and Daniel
Poor buddy! i know he was looking forward to the unlimited movies and cokes on the flight!